Welcome to PicoW_Copter_Docs’s documentation!

This is the Official Documentation for the PicoW Copter The PicoW Copter is an open source micro sub 60g quadcopter that is controlled using WiFi via a smartphone or computer. The PicoW Copter is designed to be a low cost, easy to build, and fun to fly quadcopter.

About Project

The Raspberry pi pico W Quadcopter is a project made by Anish Natekar during the summer break after his 3rd semester of BTech in Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Goa using the knowledge gained from working on Quadcopters, Robots and RC planes for a about year. This project is a way to give back to the community and help others learn about quadcopters, pcb designing, electronics, sensors, wired+wireless communication and programming. The cost for the complete project is between Rs 2000 to Rs 2500 (INR) i.e. near $25 to $30 (USD) and the list for the componets, pcb gerbers, android APP, quadcopter code is all open source. This quadcopter is small enough to fly indoors and not cause too much damage on collision but please do take necessary precautions while flying. This quadcopter is light enough to not require any registration/certification in countries like India and the USA but please do check your local laws before flying.


The Hardware required can be found in the Hardware folder of PicoW Copter project. The Harware folders contains a BOM, PCB gerber files, and STL file for the frame. The BOM provided contains links for the parts from online indian websites but you can easily find them for other countries as well.

Bill of Materials

BOM 720 motor quad (for 8520 quad change motor size and frame)

Part Name



Raspberry Pi Pico W


https://robu.in/product/raspberry-pi-pico-w/ |



https://robu.in/product/mpu-6050-gyro-sensor-2-accelerometer/ |

1S 360mAh Lipo Battery


https://robu.in/product/orange-360-mah-1s-30c-60c-lithium-polymer-battery-pack-lipo/ |

720 Coreless Motor


https://robu.in/product/65mm-blade-propeller-prop-720-cw-ccw-brushed-motor-indoor-racing-drone-quad-copter/ |

55mm Propeller (included with motors but I recommend buying extra)


https://robu.in/product/55mm-blade-propeller-prop-6x15mm-7x20mm-8-5x20mm-coreless-motor-diy-micro-quadcopter/ |

si2302 N channel Mosfet


https://www.ktron.in/product/si2302-mosfet-sot23/ |

1N4148 Diode


https://robu.in/product/1n4148-surface-mount-zener-diode-pack-of-30/ |

300 ohm resistor


https://www.ktron.in/product/resistor-300-ohms-5-1-8w-smd-0805/ |

10k ohm resistor


https://www.ktron.in/product/resistor-10k-ohms-1-1-4w-smd-1206/ |

1k ohm resistor


https://www.ktron.in/product/resistor-1k-ohms-1-1-4w-smd-1206/ |

Male Pin headers


https://www.ktron.in/product/header-pins-40x1-2-54mm-pitch-brass/ |

Female Pin headers


https://www.ktron.in/product/berg-strip-female-2-54mm-brass/ |

XH male connector


https://www.ktron.in/product/2pin-jst-xh-male-connector/ |

Push Button


https://www.ktron.in/product/3x6x2-5mm-tactile-switch-smd/ |

BMP 280 (Not used yet but will be used in future)


https://robu.in/product/bmp280-barometric-pressure-and-altitude-sensor-i2c-spi-module/ |

1S Lipo charger


https://robu.in/product/4-port-dc5v-1s-rc-lithium-lipo-battery-compact-balance-charger-rc-quadcopter/ |

Taking Rs 160 for 1 PCB and Rs 160 for 3D printed frame from an online service. The total cost of the hardware is just above 2000 INR or 25 USD.


Most of the hardware won’t be available in small quantities so it is adviced to anyone looking to build this project to try to build multiple of them either for yourself or a group of friends.

3D Printed frame

Two 3D printed frames are provided according to the size of the motors you are using. The frames I used were printed in PLA with 30% to 40% infill. The frame can be printed without supports. The STL files for the frames can be found in the 3D_Printed_Frame folder. This frame design is taken from the article (https://maker.wiznet.io/ravi_maker/contest/wizfi360-evb-pico-based-smart-phone-controlled-micro-drone-for-stem-education/) You can find and print other frames from the internet as well or design your own later. Some more PicoW_Copter designs contributed by others are listed below.

8520_frame_paul_brace Propeller_guard_8520

Paul Brace has designed propeller guards for the 8520 motors and the STL files can be found in the 3D_Printed_Frame/8520_motor_Paul_Brace_frame folder. He has also added a lighter version of the 8520 motor frame which can be found in the same folder.

8520_Frame_ameya_bhagwat Battery_holder_bracket

Ameya Bhagwat has designed a lightweight drone frame for the 8520 motors along with a battery holder which can be printed separately or along with the frame. The respective STL files can be found in the 3D_Printed_Frame/8520_motor_with_baterry_holder_Ameya_Bhagwat folder.



The PCB Gerber files are given in the PCB_Gerber_PicoW_Copter folder. The PCB is a double layered, 4cm X 6cm, 1oz copper, 1.6mm PCB.


Schematic for PCB design


Top view of PCB with Pico W mounted


Top view of PCB without Pico W mounted


Bottom view of PCB


Top view of PCB with SMD components mounted (the Square through hole pads are used to indiacate GND and Circular through hole pads are for Bat+ or others)

Physical Joystick Controller by Paul Brace (Optional)

This project is an alternative to the UDP joystick Android APP used to control the PicoW_Copter. The project details and files can be found in the Hackster.io article written by Paul - https://www.hackster.io/paulsb/drone-joystick-controller-25e036


One flaw about the UDP Joystick Android App that I have noticed is that there is no force feedback. This means that you can’t feel the center position of the joysticks, and when look at quad while flying it’s hard to know where center is and you need to judge it according to the motion of the quad. Two features I really like is the Lipo charging using the usb C port and the display.


Testing script are not only useful to test individual hardware components of the PicoW Copter but also a great way to learn how individual components work. This project is complex but extremely affordable allowing room for errors and mistakes even for complete beginners. Anyone looking to modify the code and hardware is more than welcome to do so.


The PicoW Copter uses the onboard infenion WiFi chip of the raspberry Pi PicoW to communicate with a device (smartphone or computer) through UDP packets. The static IP address when using the Pi Pico over access point mode (hotspot mode) is by default. The main motivation for using UDP is real time control of the PicoW Copter. The time taken to read packets is around 200 microseconds.

 1#include <WiFi.h>
 2#include <WiFiUdp.h>
 4#ifndef APSSID
 5#define APSSID "PicoW"    // name of your PicoW Hotspot
 6#define APPSW "password" // password of your PicoW Hotspot
 8#define UDP_PKT_MAX_SIZE 16 //  number of characters in a UDP packet
10unsigned int localPort = 8888;  // local port for UDP communication
11char packetBuffer[UDP_PKT_MAX_SIZE + 1];  // max number of characters received in one message
12int Throttle, Roll, Pitch, Yaw; // values received from each channel
13int prev;
15WiFiUDP Udp; // Object for WIFI UDP class
17void setup() {
18  Serial.begin(115200);
19  WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); // Access Point mode
20  WiFi.begin(APSSID, APPSW);  // By default static IP for PicoW will be
21  while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
22    Serial.print('.');  // waiting for connection
23    delay(500); // 0.5 sec delay
24  }
25  Serial.print("\nConnected! IP address: ");
26  Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());   // The IP Address is
27  Serial.printf("UDP server on port %d\n", localPort);  // Port is 8888
28  Udp.begin(localPort); // start listening on port 8888
31void loop() {
32  // if there is data available to read then read a packet
33  int packetSize = Udp.parsePacket();
34  if(packetSize) {  // if packet size is > 0
35    prev = micros();
36    int n = Udp.read(packetBuffer, UDP_PKT_MAX_SIZE); // read the data from UDP packet into packetBuffer
37    packetBuffer[n] = '\0'; // character for end of string
38    char ch1[5], ch2[5], ch3[5], ch4[5];  //
39    ch1[4] = '\0'; ch2[4] = '\0'; ch3[4] = '\0'; ch4[4] = '\0';
40    for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
41      // Spliting the packets into four values of 4 characters each
42      ch1[i] = packetBuffer[i];
43      ch2[i] = packetBuffer[i+4];
44      ch3[i] = packetBuffer[i+8];
45      ch4[i] = packetBuffer[i+12];
46    }
47    // converting string/character arrays to integer
48    Yaw = atoi(ch1);
49    Throttle = atoi(ch2);
50    Roll = atoi(ch3);
51    Pitch = atoi(ch4);
52    Serial.printf("Yaw = %d, Throttle = %d, Roll = %d, Pitch = %d\n", Yaw, Throttle, Roll, Pitch);
53    Serial.printf("Time taken = %d\n", micros() - prev);
54  }

The UDP packets are sent by an APP or software (in our case this python code) on the device to the PicoW’s IP address and port number provided in the Receiver.ino file.

 1import socket
 2import time
 4UDP_IP = ""
 5UDP_PORT = 8888
 6MESSAGE = "1000100110021003" # sending four 4 digit long numbers
 8# creating a UDP socket (UDP is connection less)
 9server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
10while True:
11    server.sendto(MESSAGE.encode('utf-8'), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
12    # sleep for 1 second
13    time.sleep(1)


The MPU6050 is a 6 axis gyroscope and accelerometer sensor. It is used to measure the orientation of the PicoW Copter. The MPU6050 is connected to the Pi PicoW using I2C protocol communicatin at a frequency of 400kHz. The I2C address of the MPU6050 is 0x68. All i2c register addresses can be found in the MPU6050 manual by invensense. Joop Brokking has a great tutorial on how to use the MPU6050 with Arduino. The time taken to read IMU data is around 400 microseconds.

  3#define I2C_CLK_FREQ 400000 // 400kHz
  4const u_int8_t IMUAddress = 0x68;  // Address for MPU6050 IMU sensor
  5// IMU offset
  6int16_t gyroXoffset = 0;
  7int16_t gyroYoffset = 0;
  8int16_t gyroZoffset = 0;
  9int16_t accXoffset = 0;
 10int16_t accYoffset = 0;
 11int16_t accZoffset = 0;
 12// MPU6050 IMU
 13int16_t accX, accY, accZ; // accelerometer
 14int16_t tempRaw;
 15int16_t gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ; // gyroscope
 16float temp; // temperature
 17int prev;   // keeps track of time before reading IMU data
 19void setup() {
 20  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // set the built in LED pin as Output
 21  Serial.begin(115200);
 22  Wire.setClock(I2C_CLK_FREQ);  // setting I2C communication frequency to 400kHz
 23  Wire.begin(); // starting I2C communication over SDA0 and SCL0 pins
 25  Wire.beginTransmission(IMUAddress);
 26  Wire.write(0x6B); // PWR_MGMT_1
 27  Wire.write(0x00);
 28  Wire.endTransmission();
 30  Wire.beginTransmission(IMUAddress);
 31  Wire.write(0x1B); // GYRO_CONFIG
 32  Wire.write(0x08); // +- 1000 degrees/s
 33  Wire.endTransmission();
 35  Wire.beginTransmission(IMUAddress);
 36  Wire.write(0x1C); // ACCEL_CONFIG
 37  Wire.write(0x10); // +- 16g
 38  Wire.endTransmission();
 40  Wire.beginTransmission(IMUAddress);
 41  Wire.write(0x1A); // CONFIG
 42  Wire.write(0x03);
 43  Wire.endTransmission();
 45  // IMU offset calculation
 46  int offcnt;
 47  long gx=0, gy=0, gz=0, ax=0, ay=0, az=0;  // variables to store sum of 1000 readings
 48  for(offcnt=0; offcnt<=1000; offcnt++) {
 49    // Reading IMU data 1000 times to calculate offset values of IMU
 50    Wire.beginTransmission(IMUAddress);
 51    Wire.write(0x3B); // GyroXhigh byte
 52    Wire.endTransmission();
 53    Wire.requestFrom(IMUAddress, 14); // request 14 bytes of data from IMU
 54    while(Wire.available() < 14); // If we have received 14 bytes exit out of loop
 55    // read IMU data values
 56    accX = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
 57    accY = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
 58    accZ = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
 59    tempRaw = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
 60    gyroX = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
 61    gyroY = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
 62    gyroZ = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
 63    // Sum the values read from IMU
 64    gx += gyroX;
 65    gy += gyroY;
 66    gz += gyroZ;
 67    ax += accX;
 68    ay += accY;
 69    az += accZ;
 70    delay(3); // simulating delay for rest of the quadcopter processes
 71    if(offcnt%40 == 0)
 72      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);  // LED blinks to indicate offset calculation is going on
 73    else
 74      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
 75  }
 76  // get the average of 1000 readings
 77  gyroXoffset = (int16_t)(gx/1000);
 78  gyroYoffset = (int16_t)(gy/1000);
 79  gyroZoffset = (int16_t)(gz/1000);
 80  accXoffset = (int16_t)(ax/1000);
 81  accYoffset = (int16_t)(ay/1000);
 82  accZoffset = (int16_t)(az/1000);
 85void loop() {
 86  prev = micros();  // record time when we started reading IMU data
 87  // read IMU values
 88  Wire.beginTransmission(IMUAddress);
 89  Wire.write(0x3B);
 90  Wire.endTransmission();
 91  Wire.requestFrom(IMUAddress, 14);
 93  while(Wire.available() < 14);
 95  accX = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
 96  accY = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
 97  accZ = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
 98  tempRaw = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
 99  gyroX = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
100  gyroY = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
101  gyroZ = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
102  // subtract offset from readings
103  gyroX -= gyroXoffset;
104  gyroY -= gyroYoffset;
105  gyroZ -= gyroZoffset;
106  accX -= accXoffset;
107  accY -= accYoffset;
108  accZ -= accZoffset;
109  temp = (float)tempRaw;
110  // print data
111  //Serial.printf("AccX = %d, AccY = %d, AccZ = %d, Temp = ", accX, accY, accZ);
112  //Serial.print(temp);
113  //Serial.printf(", GyroX = %d, GyroY = %d, GyroZ = %d\n", gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ);
114  Serial.printf("Time = %d\n", micros() - prev);
115  delay(250);

Motors + ESCs

After you have finished soldering all components on the PCB and soldered the motors in such manner Front Right Motor -> CCW, Front Left Motor -> CW, Bottom Right Motor -> CW, Bottom Left Motor -> CCW where CW means Clock Wise and CCW means Counter Clock Wise. The way you can check the direction of rotation of each motor is by taking any AA or AAA battery and testing the motors by holding the wires of the poles of the battery. This will power the motor and you can use your finger to feel the direction of rotation. In case the motors are spining in the wrong direction you can change the direction of rotation by switching the polarity of the motor connection to the PCB. The PCB has two through-hole pad for each motor where the round pad indicates +ve terminal and square terminal indicates -ve/ground terminal. When performing this test please do not attach the propellers to the motors for safety reason. You can perform this test when powered via USB of the pi pico but it is prefered to power the PCB using the battery.

The motors are controlled by a PWM signal generated by using analog write command on digital pins. The Mosfets act as a switch to rapidly switch the voltage and current from the battery to the motors according to the PWM signal received. The direction of rotation for the motors are same as YMFC or Pixhawk/Arducopter quadcopters i.e. front right CCW, front left CW, bottom right CW and bottom left CCW. This script is not only useful to test the motors but also test the direction of rotation of the motors.

 1#define MOT_TOP_LEFT 18
 2#define MOT_TOP_RIGHT 13
 3#define MOT_BOTTOM_LEFT 28
 4#define MOT_BOTTOM_RIGHT 1
 5void setup() {
 6  // put your setup code here, to run once:
 7  analogWriteFreq(500); // PWM frequency 500 Hz
 8  analogWriteRange(1000); // value coresponding to 100% PWM duty cycle
10  pinMode(MOT_TOP_LEFT, OUTPUT);
15  analogWrite(MOT_TOP_LEFT, 0);
16  analogWrite(MOT_TOP_RIGHT, 0);
17  analogWrite(MOT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0);
18  analogWrite(MOT_BOTTOM_RIGHT, 0);
20  //Use the led on the Arduino for startup indication.
21  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,HIGH);
24void loop() {
25  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
26  for(int i=0; i<=1000; i++) {
27    analogWrite(MOT_TOP_RIGHT, i);
28    analogWrite(MOT_BOTTOM_RIGHT, i);
29    analogWrite(MOT_BOTTOM_LEFT, i);
30    analogWrite(MOT_TOP_LEFT, i);
31    delay(2);
32  }
33  for(int i=0; i<=1000; i++) {
34    analogWrite(MOT_TOP_RIGHT, 1000-i);
35    analogWrite(MOT_BOTTOM_RIGHT, 1000-i);
36    analogWrite(MOT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 1000-i);
37    analogWrite(MOT_TOP_LEFT, 1000-i);
38    delay(2);
39  }

BMP280 (Not yet tested or used in flight controller)

The BMP280 is a barometric pressure and temperature sensor. It is used for the altitude hold feature of the PicoW Copter. The details for the i2c registers of the BMP280 sensor can be found in the data sheet along with the conversions. I will suggest those who are interested to refer to the video by Carbon Aeronautics. (This feature is not tested nor is included in flight controller yet but a script is provided for getting sensor data for PicoW)

  1#include <Wire.h>
  2#define BMPAddress 0x76
  4// Barometer calibration values
  5uint16_t dig_T1, dig_P1;
  6int16_t dig_T2, dig_T3, dig_P2, dig_P3, dig_P4, dig_P5;
  7int16_t dig_P6, dig_P7, dig_P8, dig_P9;
  9// Altitude variables
 10float AltitudeBarometer, AltitudeBarometerStartUp;
 11int RateCalibrationNumber;
 13// read barometer signal
 14void barometer_signal() {
 15  Wire.beginTransmission(BMPAddress);
 16  Wire.write(0xF7);
 17  Wire.endTransmission();
 18  Wire.requestFrom(BMPAddress, 6);
 19  uint32_t press_msb = Wire.read(); // 0xF7
 20  uint32_t press_lsb = Wire.read(); // 0xF8
 21  uint32_t press_xlsb = Wire.read();
 22  uint32_t temp_msb = Wire.read();
 23  uint32_t temp_lsb = Wire.read();
 24  uint32_t temp_xlsb = Wire.read(); // 0xFC
 26  // Construct raw temperature and pressure measurements
 27  // msb contans bits [19-12], lsb contains bits [11-4], and xlsb contains bits [3-0]
 28  unsigned long int adc_P = (press_msb<<12)|(press_lsb<<4)|(press_xlsb>>4);
 29  unsigned long int adc_T = (temp_msb<<12)|(temp_lsb<<4)|(temp_xlsb>>4);
 31  // Construct fine resolution temperature value
 32  signed long var1, var2;
 33  var1 = ((((adc_T>>3)-((signed long int)dig_T1<<1)))*((signed long int)dig_T2))>>11;
 34  var2 = (((((adc_T>>4) - ((signed long int)dig_T1)) * ((adc_T>>4)-((signed long int)dig_T1)))>>12)*((signed long int)dig_T3))>>14;
 35  signed long int t_fine = var1 + var2;
 37  // Construct the compensated and calibrated pressure p according to manufacturer
 38  unsigned long int p;
 39  var1 = (((signed long int)t_fine)>>1) - (signed long int)64000;
 40  var2 = (((var1>>2)*(var1>>2))>>11)*((signed long int)dig_P6);
 41  var2 = var2 + ((var1*((signed long int)dig_P5))<<1);
 42  var2 = (var2>>2)+(((signed long int)dig_P4)<<16);
 43  var1 = (((dig_P3*(((var1>>2)*(var1>>2))>>13))>>3)+((((signed long int)dig_P2)*var1)>>1))>>18;
 44  var1 = ((((32768+var1))*((signed long int)dig_P1))>>15);
 45  if(var1 == 0) { p = 0; }
 46  p = (((unsigned long int)(((signed long int)1048576)-adc_P)-(var2>>12)))*3125;
 47  if(p<0x80000000) { p = (p<<1) / ((unsigned long int)var1); }
 48  else { p = (p / (unsigned long int)var1) * 2; }
 49  var1 = (((signed long int)dig_P9)*((signed long int)(((p>>3)*(p>>3))>>13)))>>12;
 50  var2 = (((signed long int)(p>>2))*((signed long int)dig_P8))>>13;
 51  p = (unsigned long int)((signed long int)p + ((var1 + var2 + dig_P7)>>4));
 53  double pressure = (double)p/100;  // pressure in hPa
 54  AltitudeBarometer = 44330*(1-pow(pressure/1013.25, 1/5.255))*100; // Altitude in cm
 57void setup() {
 58  // BMP280 setup
 59  Serial.begin(57600);
 60  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);
 61  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
 62  Wire.setClock(400000);
 63  Wire.begin();
 64  delay(250);
 66  // Setup BMP280 barometer optimized for indoor navigation
 67  Wire.beginTransmission(BMPAddress);
 68  Wire.write(0xF4); // measurement register setup for indoor mode
 69  Wire.write(0x57); // normal mode, pressure oversampling x16 temperature oversampling x2
 70  Wire.endTransmission();
 71  // Setup configuration register
 72  Wire.beginTransmission(BMPAddress);
 73  Wire.write(0xF5);
 74  Wire.write(0x14); // IIR filter coefficient 16 rest are 0
 75  Wire.endTransmission();
 76  // Importing 12 trimming parameters from sensor
 77  uint8_t data[24], i = 0;
 78  // First trimming parameter
 79  Wire.beginTransmission(BMPAddress);
 80  Wire.write(0x88);
 81  Wire.endTransmission();
 82  Wire.requestFrom(BMPAddress, 24); // 24 bytes of data from register 0x88 to 0x9F
 83  while(Wire.available()) {
 84    data[i] = Wire.read();
 85    i++;
 86  }
 87  dig_T1 = (data[1]<<8) | data[0];
 88  dig_T2 = (data[3]<<8) | data[2];
 89  dig_T3 = (data[5]<<8) | data[4];
 90  dig_P1 = (data[7]<<8) | data[6];
 91  dig_P2 = (data[9]<<8) | data[8];
 92  dig_P3 = (data[11]<<8) | data[10];
 93  dig_P4 = (data[13]<<8) | data[12];
 94  dig_P5 = (data[15]<<8) | data[14];
 95  dig_P6 = (data[17]<<8) | data[16];
 96  dig_P7 = (data[19]<<8) | data[18];
 97  dig_P8 = (data[21]<<8) | data[20];
 98  dig_P9 = (data[23]<<8) | data[22];
 99  delay(250);
100  // barometer calibration calculating altitude reference level
101  for(RateCalibrationNumber = 0; RateCalibrationNumber<2000; RateCalibrationNumber++) {
102    barometer_signal();
103    AltitudeBarometerStartUp += AltitudeBarometer;
104    delay(1);
105  }
106  AltitudeBarometerStartUp/=2000;
109void loop() {
110  // Read the barometer and print altitudes
111  barometer_signal();
112  AltitudeBarometer = AltitudeBarometerStartUp;
113  Serial.print("Altitude [cm]:");
114  Serial.println(AltitudeBarometer);
115  delay(50);

Battery voltage

While flying any quadcopter it is important to keep track of the battery voltage. The battery is a 1S Lipo 360mAh Battery and it is important to be careful when using Lipo batteries in any project as special care needs to be taken to prevent over discharge (while flying) and over charge (while charging). If you Lipo looks swollen it is recommended to dispose it in a controlled manner as provided by the manufacturer i.e. first using a large resistance to slowly discharge the Lipo completely and slowly and then burrying it. It is highly prefered to dispose Lithium batteries through some professional recycling service as They are can have long term environmental impacts as according to this article (https://www.intertek.com/uploadedFiles/Intertek/Divisions/Commercial_and_Electrical/Media/PDF/Battery/Environmental-Considerations-for-Lithium-Batteries-White-Paper.pdf) LION do have some heavy metals like Cobalt, Copper and Nickle so I assume Lipo batteries also have these metals and if burried they can reach into the ground water to cause heavy metal poisoning but I am not an expert on this topic so I request anyone interested to do their own research.

This script reads the battery voltage from the A0 pin and sends the reading over WiFi using UDP to another device. To test this script download the UDP Monitor APP from play store. Set the Remote IP Address on the APP to and the Local and Remote PORT to 8888. Then connect the Battery on the Pico Copter PCB(without the USB cable connected). Find the PicoW Hotspot generated and connect to it using your phone. once you ae connected and have disabled any WiFi setting for “connect automatically” on your phone open the APP and type something. Every time you send a message the Pico Copter will send the battery voltage reading back to the APP.

 1#include <WiFi.h>
 2#include <WiFiUdp.h>
 4#define bat_pin 26
 5#define diode_vol_drop 0.7
 7#ifndef APSSID
 8#define APSSID "PicoW"
 9#define APPSW "password"
11#define UDP_PKT_MAX_SIZE 16
13unsigned int localPort = 8888;
14char packetBuffer[UDP_PKT_MAX_SIZE + 1];
15char ReplyBuffer[20]; // a string to send back
17WiFiUDP Udp;  // Object for WiFi UDP class
19void setup() {
21  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
23  pinMode(bat_pin, INPUT);
24  Serial.begin(115200);
26  WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP);
27  WiFi.begin(APSSID, APPSW);
28  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
29        Serial.print(".");
30        delay(500);
31  }
32  Udp.begin(localPort);
33  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
34  delay(1000);
35  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
38void loop() {
39    int packetSize = Udp.parsePacket();
40    if(packetSize) {
41        float reading = analogRead(bat_pin) * 3.3 / 1023 * 1300 / 1000 + diode_vol_drop;
42        // put this reading into the buffer
43        sprintf(ReplyBuffer, "%f", reading);
44        // send the reading back to the sender
45        Udp.beginPacket(Udp.remoteIP(), 8888);
46        Udp.write(ReplyBuffer);
47        Udp.endPacket();
48        digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
49    }
51    delay(100);
52    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);


The main software contains the flight controller. The flight controller is the complete quadcopter code. This code was tested on 21-05-2023. once you upload the code dsiconnect the pico and keep it in a spacious room on a flat surface. Now plug in the Lipo battery to start the gyro clibration process as shown by fast blinking LED. Once the LED starts blinking on your smartphone connect to the PicoW hotspot using the password “password”. Now that you have connected the blinking must have stopped. To setup the controls go to the UDP joystick App and enter the IP address, port 8888 and rate of 20ms. Once done tap the button such that it says “ON” to indicate that the App has started and switch to the screen with joysticks. Now the way you start/ARM the quadcopter is by pulling the throttle joystick (left one) down to zero, moving it to the bottom left corner and back to the bottom center. The way you stop/DISARM the quadcopter is by bringing the throttle joystick to the bottom right anf back to center. This code is inspired from YMFC-AL project by Joop Brokking. For more details on PID controller please do refer to his playlist over on YouTube.

  1#include <Wire.h>                          //Include the Wire.h library so we can communicate with the gyro.
  2#include <WiFi.h>
  3#include <WiFiUdp.h>
  5#define I2C_CLK_FREQ 400000 // 400kHz
  6const u_int8_t IMUAddress = 0x68;  // Address for MPU6050 IMU sensor
  8#ifndef APSSID
  9#define APSSID "PicoW"
 10#define APPSW "password"
 12#define UDP_PKT_MAX_SIZE 16
 14unsigned int localPort = 8888;
 15char packetBuffer[UDP_PKT_MAX_SIZE + 1];
 17WiFiUDP Udp;  // Object for WiFi UDP class
 19#define MOT_TOP_LEFT 18
 20#define MOT_TOP_RIGHT 13
 21#define MOT_BOTTOM_LEFT 28
 22#define MOT_BOTTOM_RIGHT 1
 25//PID gain and limit settings
 27float pid_p_gain_roll = 2.05;               //Gain setting for the roll P-controller
 28float pid_i_gain_roll = 0.013;              //Gain setting for the roll I-controller 0.04
 29float pid_d_gain_roll = 11.0;              //Gain setting for the roll D-controller
 30int pid_max_roll = 300;                    //Maximum output of the PID-controller (+/-)
 32float pid_p_gain_pitch = pid_p_gain_roll;  //Gain setting for the pitch P-controller.
 33float pid_i_gain_pitch = pid_i_gain_roll;  //Gain setting for the pitch I-controller.
 34float pid_d_gain_pitch = pid_d_gain_roll;  //Gain setting for the pitch D-controller.
 35int pid_max_pitch = pid_max_roll;          //Maximum output of the PID-controller (+/-)
 37float pid_p_gain_yaw = 8.5;                //Gain setting for the pitch P-controller. //4.0
 38float pid_i_gain_yaw = 0.005;               //Gain setting for the pitch I-controller. //0.02
 39float pid_d_gain_yaw = 0.0;                //Gain setting for the pitch D-controller.
 40int pid_max_yaw = 300;                     //Maximum output of the PID-controller (+/-)
 42boolean auto_level = true;                 //Auto level on (true) or off (false)
 45//Declaring global variables
 47byte last_channel_1, last_channel_2, last_channel_3, last_channel_4;
 48byte highByte, lowByte;
 49volatile int receiver_input_channel_1 = 0, receiver_input_channel_2 = 0, receiver_input_channel_3 = 0, receiver_input_channel_4 = 0;
 50int counter_channel_1, counter_channel_2, counter_channel_3, counter_channel_4, loop_counter;
 51int esc_1, esc_2, esc_3, esc_4;
 52int throttle, battery_voltage;
 53int cal_int, start, gyro_address;
 54int receiver_input[5];
 55int temperature;
 56int16_t acc_axis[4], gyro_axis[4];
 57float roll_level_adjust, pitch_level_adjust;
 59long acc_x, acc_y, acc_z, acc_total_vector;
 60unsigned long timer_channel_1, timer_channel_2, timer_channel_3, timer_channel_4, esc_timer, esc_loop_timer;
 61unsigned long timer_1, timer_2, timer_3, timer_4, current_time;
 62unsigned long loop_timer;
 63double gyro_pitch, gyro_roll, gyro_yaw;
 64double gyro_axis_cal[4];
 65float pid_error_temp;
 66float pid_i_mem_roll, pid_roll_setpoint, gyro_roll_input, pid_output_roll, pid_last_roll_d_error;
 67float pid_i_mem_pitch, pid_pitch_setpoint, gyro_pitch_input, pid_output_pitch, pid_last_pitch_d_error;
 68float pid_i_mem_yaw, pid_yaw_setpoint, gyro_yaw_input, pid_output_yaw, pid_last_yaw_d_error;
 69float angle_roll_acc, angle_pitch_acc, angle_pitch, angle_roll;
 70boolean gyro_angles_set;
 73//Setup routine
 75void setup(){
 77  analogWriteFreq(500); // PWM frequency 500 Hz
 78  analogWriteRange(1000); // value coresponding to 100% PWM duty cycle
 80  Serial.begin(115200);
 81  gyro_address = IMUAddress;
 82  Wire.setClock(I2C_CLK_FREQ);
 83  Wire.begin();                                                             //Start the I2C as master.
 85  pinMode(MOT_TOP_LEFT, OUTPUT);
 86  pinMode(MOT_TOP_RIGHT, OUTPUT);
 89  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);
 90  analogWrite(MOT_TOP_LEFT, 0);
 91  analogWrite(MOT_TOP_RIGHT, 0);
 92  analogWrite(MOT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0);
 93  analogWrite(MOT_BOTTOM_RIGHT, 0);
 95  //Use the led on the Arduino for startup indication.
 96  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,HIGH);                                                    //Turn on the warning led.
 98  set_gyro_registers();                                                     //Set the specific gyro registers.
100  //Let's take multiple gyro data samples so we can determine the average gyro offset (calibration).
101  for (cal_int = 0; cal_int < 2000 ; cal_int ++){                           //Take 2000 readings for calibration.
102    if(cal_int % 15 == 0)
103      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, !digitalRead(LED_BUILTIN));                //Change the led status to indicate calibration.
104    gyro_signalen();                                                        //Read the gyro output.
105    gyro_axis_cal[1] += gyro_axis[1];
106    gyro_axis_cal[2] += gyro_axis[2];
107    gyro_axis_cal[3] += gyro_axis[3];
108    delay(4);                                                               //Wait 3 milliseconds before the next loop.
109  }
110  //Now that we have 2000 measures, we need to devide by 2000 to get the average gyro offset.
111  gyro_axis_cal[1] /= 2000;                                                 //Divide the roll total by 2000.
112  gyro_axis_cal[2] /= 2000;                                                 //Divide the pitch total by 2000.
113  gyro_axis_cal[3] /= 2000;                                                 //Divide the yaw total by 2000.                                                //Set PCINT3 (digital input 11)to trigger an interrupt on state change.
115  WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP);
116  WiFi.begin(APSSID, APPSW);
117  while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
118    Serial.print('.');
119    delay(500);
120  }
121  Udp.begin(localPort);
122  //Wait until the receiver is active and the throtle is set to the lower position.
123  while(receiver_input_channel_3 < 990 || receiver_input_channel_3 > 1020 || receiver_input_channel_4 < 1400){
124    int packetSize = Udp.parsePacket();
125    if(packetSize) {
126      int n = Udp.read(packetBuffer, UDP_PKT_MAX_SIZE);
127      packetBuffer[n] = '\0';
128      char ch1[5], ch2[5], ch3[5], ch4[5];
129      ch1[4] = '\0'; ch2[4] = '\0'; ch3[4] = '\0'; ch4[4] = '\0';
130      for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
131        ch4[i] = packetBuffer[i];
132        ch3[i] = packetBuffer[i+4];
133        ch1[i] = packetBuffer[i+8];
134        ch2[i] = packetBuffer[i+12];
135      }
136      receiver_input_channel_1 = atoi(ch1); // ROLL
137      receiver_input_channel_2 = atoi(ch2); // PITCH
138      receiver_input_channel_3 = atoi(ch3); // THROTTLE
139      receiver_input_channel_4 = atoi(ch4); // YAW
140    }
141    start ++;
142    delay(3);                                                               //Wait 3 milliseconds before the next loop.
143    if(start == 125){                                                       //Every 125 loops (500ms).
144      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, !digitalRead(LED_BUILTIN));                                   //Change the led status.
145      start = 0;                                                            //Start again at 0.
146    }
147  }
148  start = 0;                                                                //Set start back to 0.
150  //Load the battery voltage to the battery_voltage variable.
151  //65 is the voltage compensation for the diode.
152  //12.6V equals ~5V @ Analog 0.
153  //12.6V equals 1023 analogRead(0).
154  //1260 / 1023 = 1.2317.
155  //The variable battery_voltage holds 1050 if the battery voltage is 10.5V.
156  //battery_voltage = (analogRead(0) + 65) * 1.2317;
158  loop_timer = micros();                                                    //Set the timer for the next loop.
160  //When everything is done, turn off the led.
161  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,LOW);                                                     //Turn off the warning led.
164//Main program loop
166void loop(){
167  int packetSize = Udp.parsePacket();
168  if(packetSize) {
169      int n = Udp.read(packetBuffer, UDP_PKT_MAX_SIZE);
170      packetBuffer[n] = '\0';
171      char ch1[5], ch2[5], ch3[5], ch4[5];
172      ch1[4] = '\0'; ch2[4] = '\0'; ch3[4] = '\0'; ch4[4] = '\0';
173      for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
174        ch4[i] = packetBuffer[i];
175        ch3[i] = packetBuffer[i+4];
176        ch1[i] = packetBuffer[i+8];
177        ch2[i] = packetBuffer[i+12];
178      }
179      receiver_input_channel_1 = atoi(ch1); // ROLL
180      receiver_input_channel_2 = atoi(ch2); // PITCH
181      receiver_input_channel_3 = atoi(ch3); // THROTTLE
182      receiver_input_channel_4 = atoi(ch4); // YAW
183    }
185  //65.5 = 1 deg/sec (check the datasheet of the MPU-6050 for more information).
186  gyro_roll_input = (gyro_roll_input * 0.7) + ((gyro_roll / 65.5) * 0.3);   //Gyro pid input is deg/sec.
187  gyro_pitch_input = (gyro_pitch_input * 0.7) + ((gyro_pitch / 65.5) * 0.3);//Gyro pid input is deg/sec.
188  gyro_yaw_input = (gyro_yaw_input * 0.7) + ((gyro_yaw / 65.5) * 0.3);      //Gyro pid input is deg/sec.
190//  Serial.print(gyro_roll_input);
191//  Serial.print(", ");
192//  Serial.print(gyro_pitch_input);
193//  Serial.print(", ");
194//  Serial.print(gyro_yaw_input);
195//  Serial.println();
198  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
199  //This is the added IMU code from the videos:
200  //https://youtu.be/4BoIE8YQwM8
201  //https://youtu.be/j-kE0AMEWy4
202  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
204  //Gyro angle calculations
205  //0.0000611 = 1 / (250Hz / 65.5)
206  angle_pitch += gyro_pitch * 0.0000611;                                    //Calculate the traveled pitch angle and add this to the angle_pitch variable.
207  angle_roll += gyro_roll * 0.0000611;                                      //Calculate the traveled roll angle and add this to the angle_roll variable.
209  //0.000001066 = 0.0000611 * (3.142(PI) / 180degr) The Arduino sin function is in radians
210  angle_pitch -= angle_roll * sin(gyro_yaw * 0.000001066);                  //If the IMU has yawed transfer the roll angle to the pitch angel.
211  angle_roll += angle_pitch * sin(gyro_yaw * 0.000001066);                  //If the IMU has yawed transfer the pitch angle to the roll angel.
213  //Accelerometer angle calculations
214  acc_total_vector = sqrt((acc_x*acc_x)+(acc_y*acc_y)+(acc_z*acc_z));       //Calculate the total accelerometer vector.
216  if(abs(acc_y) < acc_total_vector){                                        //Prevent the asin function to produce a NaN
217    angle_pitch_acc = asin((float)acc_y/acc_total_vector)* 57.296;          //Calculate the pitch angle.
218  }
219  if(abs(acc_x) < acc_total_vector){                                        //Prevent the asin function to produce a NaN
220    angle_roll_acc = asin((float)acc_x/acc_total_vector)* -57.296;          //Calculate the roll angle.
221  }
223  //Place the MPU-6050 spirit level and note the values in the following two lines for calibration.
224  angle_pitch_acc -= 0.0;                                                   //Accelerometer calibration value for pitch.
225  angle_roll_acc -= 0.0;                                                    //Accelerometer calibration value for roll.
227  angle_pitch = angle_pitch * 0.9996 + angle_pitch_acc * 0.0004;            //Correct the drift of the gyro pitch angle with the accelerometer pitch angle.
228  angle_roll = angle_roll * 0.9996 + angle_roll_acc * 0.0004;               //Correct the drift of the gyro roll angle with the accelerometer roll angle.
230  pitch_level_adjust = angle_pitch * 15;                                    //Calculate the pitch angle correction
231  roll_level_adjust = angle_roll * 15;                                      //Calculate the roll angle correction
233  if(!auto_level){                                                          //If the quadcopter is not in auto-level mode
234    pitch_level_adjust = 0;                                                 //Set the pitch angle correction to zero.
235    roll_level_adjust = 0;                                                  //Set the roll angle correcion to zero.
236  }
239  //For starting the motors: throttle low and yaw left (step 1).
240  if(receiver_input_channel_3 < 1050 && receiver_input_channel_4 < 1050)start = 1;
241  //When yaw stick is back in the center position start the motors (step 2).
242  if(start == 1 && receiver_input_channel_3 < 1050 && receiver_input_channel_4 > 1450){
243    start = 2;
245    angle_pitch = angle_pitch_acc;                                          //Set the gyro pitch angle equal to the accelerometer pitch angle when the quadcopter is started.
246    angle_roll = angle_roll_acc;                                            //Set the gyro roll angle equal to the accelerometer roll angle when the quadcopter is started.
247    gyro_angles_set = true;                                                 //Set the IMU started flag.
249    //Reset the PID controllers for a bumpless start.
250    pid_i_mem_roll = 0;
251    pid_last_roll_d_error = 0;
252    pid_i_mem_pitch = 0;
253    pid_last_pitch_d_error = 0;
254    pid_i_mem_yaw = 0;
255    pid_last_yaw_d_error = 0;
256  }
257  //Stopping the motors: throttle low and yaw right.
258  if(start == 2 && receiver_input_channel_3 < 1050 && receiver_input_channel_4 > 1950)start = 0;
260  //The PID set point in degrees per second is determined by the roll receiver input.
261  //In the case of deviding by 3 the max roll rate is aprox 164 degrees per second ( (500-8)/3 = 164d/s ).
262  pid_roll_setpoint = 0;
263  //We need a little dead band of 16us for better results.
264  if(receiver_input_channel_1 > 1508)pid_roll_setpoint = receiver_input_channel_1 - 1508;
265  else if(receiver_input_channel_1 < 1492)pid_roll_setpoint = receiver_input_channel_1 - 1492;
267  pid_roll_setpoint -= roll_level_adjust;                                   //Subtract the angle correction from the standardized receiver roll input value.
268  pid_roll_setpoint /= 3.0;                                                 //Divide the setpoint for the PID roll controller by 3 to get angles in degrees.
271  //The PID set point in degrees per second is determined by the pitch receiver input.
272  //In the case of deviding by 3 the max pitch rate is aprox 164 degrees per second ( (500-8)/3 = 164d/s ).
273  pid_pitch_setpoint = 0;
274  //We need a little dead band of 16us for better results.
275  if(receiver_input_channel_2 > 1508)pid_pitch_setpoint = receiver_input_channel_2 - 1508;
276  else if(receiver_input_channel_2 < 1492)pid_pitch_setpoint = receiver_input_channel_2 - 1492;
278  pid_pitch_setpoint -= pitch_level_adjust;                                  //Subtract the angle correction from the standardized receiver pitch input value.
279  pid_pitch_setpoint /= 3.0;                                                 //Divide the setpoint for the PID pitch controller by 3 to get angles in degrees.
281  //The PID set point in degrees per second is determined by the yaw receiver input.
282  //In the case of deviding by 3 the max yaw rate is aprox 164 degrees per second ( (500-8)/3 = 164d/s ).
283  pid_yaw_setpoint = 0;
284  //We need a little dead band of 16us for better results.
285  if(receiver_input_channel_3 > 1050){ //Do not yaw when turning off the motors.
286    if(receiver_input_channel_4 > 1508)pid_yaw_setpoint = (receiver_input_channel_4 - 1508)/3.0;
287    else if(receiver_input_channel_4 < 1492)pid_yaw_setpoint = (receiver_input_channel_4 - 1492)/3.0;
288  }
290  calculate_pid();                                                            //PID inputs are known. So we can calculate the pid output.
292  //The battery voltage is needed for compensation.
293  //A complementary filter is used to reduce noise.
294  //0.09853 = 0.08 * 1.2317.
295  //battery_voltage = battery_voltage * 0.92 + (analogRead(0) + 65) * 0.09853;
297  //Turn on the led if battery voltage is to low.
298  //if(battery_voltage < 1000 && battery_voltage > 600)digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
301  throttle = receiver_input_channel_3;                                      //We need the throttle signal as a base signal.
303  if (start == 2){                                                          //The motors are started.
304    if (throttle > 1800) throttle = 1800;                                   //We need some room to keep full control at full throttle.
305    esc_1 = throttle - pid_output_pitch + pid_output_roll - pid_output_yaw; //Calculate the pulse for esc 1 (front-right - CCW)
306    esc_2 = throttle + pid_output_pitch + pid_output_roll + pid_output_yaw; //Calculate the pulse for esc 2 (rear-right - CW)
307    esc_3 = throttle + pid_output_pitch - pid_output_roll - pid_output_yaw; //Calculate the pulse for esc 3 (rear-left - CCW)
308    esc_4 = throttle - pid_output_pitch - pid_output_roll + pid_output_yaw; //Calculate the pulse for esc 4 (front-left - CW)
310    // if (battery_voltage < 1240 && battery_voltage > 800){                   //Is the battery connected?
311    //   esc_1 += esc_1 * ((1240 - battery_voltage)/(float)3500);              //Compensate the esc-1 pulse for voltage drop.
312    //   esc_2 += esc_2 * ((1240 - battery_voltage)/(float)3500);              //Compensate the esc-2 pulse for voltage drop.
313    //   esc_3 += esc_3 * ((1240 - battery_voltage)/(float)3500);              //Compensate the esc-3 pulse for voltage drop.
314    //   esc_4 += esc_4 * ((1240 - battery_voltage)/(float)3500);              //Compensate the esc-4 pulse for voltage drop.
315    // }
317    if (esc_1 < 1100) esc_1 = 1100;                                         //Keep the motors running.
318    if (esc_2 < 1100) esc_2 = 1100;                                         //Keep the motors running.
319    if (esc_3 < 1100) esc_3 = 1100;                                         //Keep the motors running.
320    if (esc_4 < 1100) esc_4 = 1100;                                         //Keep the motors running.
322    if(esc_1 > 2000)esc_1 = 2000;                                           //Limit the esc-1 pulse to 2000us.
323    if(esc_2 > 2000)esc_2 = 2000;                                           //Limit the esc-2 pulse to 2000us.
324    if(esc_3 > 2000)esc_3 = 2000;                                           //Limit the esc-3 pulse to 2000us.
325    if(esc_4 > 2000)esc_4 = 2000;                                           //Limit the esc-4 pulse to 2000us.
326  }
328  else{
329    esc_1 = 1000;                                                           //If start is not 2 keep a 1000us pulse for ess-1.
330    esc_2 = 1000;                                                           //If start is not 2 keep a 1000us pulse for ess-2.
331    esc_3 = 1000;                                                           //If start is not 2 keep a 1000us pulse for ess-3.
332    esc_4 = 1000;                                                           //If start is not 2 keep a 1000us pulse for ess-4.
333  }
335  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
336  //Creating the pulses for the ESC's is explained in this video:
337  //https://youtu.be/fqEkVcqxtU8
338  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
340  //! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
341  //Because of the angle calculation the loop time is getting very important. If the loop time is
342  //longer or shorter than 4000us the angle calculation is off. If you modify the code make sure
343  //that the loop time is still 4000us and no longer! More information can be found on
344  //the Q&A page:
345  //! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
347  if(micros() - loop_timer > 4050)digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);                   //Turn on the LED if the loop time exceeds 4050us.
349  //All the information for controlling the motor's is available.
350  //The refresh rate is 250Hz. That means the esc's need there pulse every 4ms.
351  while(micros() - loop_timer < 4000);                                      //We wait until 4000us are passed.
352  loop_timer = micros();                                                    //Set the timer for the next loop.
354  esc_1 = map(esc_1, 1000, 2000, 0, 1000);
355  esc_2 = map(esc_2, 1000, 2000, 0, 1000);
356  esc_3 = map(esc_3, 1000, 2000, 0, 1000);
357  esc_4 = map(esc_4, 1000, 2000, 0, 1000);
359  analogWrite(MOT_TOP_RIGHT, esc_1);
360  analogWrite(MOT_BOTTOM_RIGHT, esc_2);
361  analogWrite(MOT_BOTTOM_LEFT, esc_3);
362  analogWrite(MOT_TOP_LEFT, esc_4);
363  //There is always 1000us of spare time. So let's do something usefull that is very time consuming.
364  //Get the current gyro and receiver data and scale it to degrees per second for the pid calculations.
365  gyro_signalen();
369//Subroutine for reading the gyro
371void gyro_signalen(){
372  //Read the MPU-6050
373  Wire.beginTransmission(gyro_address);                                   //Start communication with the gyro.
374  Wire.write(0x3B);                                                       //Start reading @ register 43h and auto increment with every read.
375  Wire.endTransmission();                                                 //End the transmission.
376  Wire.requestFrom(gyro_address,14);                                      //Request 14 bytes from the gyro.
377  // Read Udp packet if available
378  int packetSize = Udp.parsePacket();
379  if(packetSize) {
380    int n = Udp.read(packetBuffer, UDP_PKT_MAX_SIZE);
381    packetBuffer[n] = '\0';
382    char ch1[5], ch2[5], ch3[5], ch4[5];
383    ch1[4] = '\0'; ch2[4] = '\0'; ch3[4] = '\0'; ch4[4] = '\0';
384    for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
385      ch4[i] = packetBuffer[i];
386      ch3[i] = packetBuffer[i+4];
387      ch1[i] = packetBuffer[i+8];
388      ch2[i] = packetBuffer[i+12];
389    }
390    receiver_input_channel_1 = atoi(ch1); // ROLL
391    receiver_input_channel_2 = atoi(ch2); // PITCH
392    receiver_input_channel_3 = atoi(ch3); // THROTTLE
393    receiver_input_channel_4 = atoi(ch4); // YAW
394  }
396  while(Wire.available() < 14);                                           //Wait until the 14 bytes are received.
397  acc_axis[1] = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                               //Add the low and high byte to the acc_x variable.
398  acc_axis[2] = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                               //Add the low and high byte to the acc_y variable.
399  acc_axis[3] = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                               //Add the low and high byte to the acc_z variable.
400  temperature = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                               //Add the low and high byte to the temperature variable.
401  gyro_axis[1] = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                              //Read high and low part of the angular data.
402  gyro_axis[2] = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                              //Read high and low part of the angular data.
403  gyro_axis[3] = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                              //Read high and low part of the angular data.
405  if(cal_int == 2000){
406    gyro_axis[1] -= gyro_axis_cal[1];                                       //Only compensate after the calibration.
407    gyro_axis[2] -= gyro_axis_cal[2];                                       //Only compensate after the calibration.
408    gyro_axis[3] -= gyro_axis_cal[3];                                       //Only compensate after the calibration.
409  }
410  gyro_roll = gyro_axis[0b00000010];                      //Set gyro_roll to the correct axis that was stored in the EEPROM.
411  gyro_pitch = gyro_axis[0b00000001];                     //Set gyro_pitch to the correct axis that was stored in the EEPROM.
412  gyro_yaw = gyro_axis[0b00000011];                       //Set gyro_yaw to the correct axis that was stored in the EEPROM.
413  gyro_yaw *= -1;                           //Invert gyro_yaw if the MSB of EEPROM bit 30 is set.
414  acc_x = acc_axis[0b00000001];                           //Set acc_x to the correct axis that was stored in the EEPROM.
415  acc_y = acc_axis[0b00000010];                           //Set acc_y to the correct axis that was stored in the EEPROM.
416  acc_z = acc_axis[0b00000011];                           //Set acc_z to the correct axis that was stored in the EEPROM.
417  acc_z *= -1;                              //Invert acc_z if the MSB of EEPROM bit 30 is set.
421//Subroutine for calculating pid outputs
423//The PID controllers are explained in part 5 of the YMFC-3D video session:
426void calculate_pid(){
427  //Roll calculations
428  pid_error_temp = gyro_roll_input - pid_roll_setpoint;
429  pid_i_mem_roll += pid_i_gain_roll * pid_error_temp;
430  if(pid_i_mem_roll > pid_max_roll)pid_i_mem_roll = pid_max_roll;
431  else if(pid_i_mem_roll < pid_max_roll * -1)pid_i_mem_roll = pid_max_roll * -1;
433  pid_output_roll = pid_p_gain_roll * pid_error_temp + pid_i_mem_roll + pid_d_gain_roll * (pid_error_temp - pid_last_roll_d_error);
434  if(pid_output_roll > pid_max_roll)pid_output_roll = pid_max_roll;
435  else if(pid_output_roll < pid_max_roll * -1)pid_output_roll = pid_max_roll * -1;
437  pid_last_roll_d_error = pid_error_temp;
439  //Pitch calculations
440  pid_error_temp = gyro_pitch_input - pid_pitch_setpoint;
441  pid_i_mem_pitch += pid_i_gain_pitch * pid_error_temp;
442  if(pid_i_mem_pitch > pid_max_pitch)pid_i_mem_pitch = pid_max_pitch;
443  else if(pid_i_mem_pitch < pid_max_pitch * -1)pid_i_mem_pitch = pid_max_pitch * -1;
445  pid_output_pitch = pid_p_gain_pitch * pid_error_temp + pid_i_mem_pitch + pid_d_gain_pitch * (pid_error_temp - pid_last_pitch_d_error);
446  if(pid_output_pitch > pid_max_pitch)pid_output_pitch = pid_max_pitch;
447  else if(pid_output_pitch < pid_max_pitch * -1)pid_output_pitch = pid_max_pitch * -1;
449  pid_last_pitch_d_error = pid_error_temp;
451  //Yaw calculations
452  pid_error_temp = gyro_yaw_input - pid_yaw_setpoint;
453  pid_i_mem_yaw += pid_i_gain_yaw * pid_error_temp;
454  if(pid_i_mem_yaw > pid_max_yaw)pid_i_mem_yaw = pid_max_yaw;
455  else if(pid_i_mem_yaw < pid_max_yaw * -1)pid_i_mem_yaw = pid_max_yaw * -1;
457  pid_output_yaw = pid_p_gain_yaw * pid_error_temp + pid_i_mem_yaw + pid_d_gain_yaw * (pid_error_temp - pid_last_yaw_d_error);
458  if(pid_output_yaw > pid_max_yaw)pid_output_yaw = pid_max_yaw;
459  else if(pid_output_yaw < pid_max_yaw * -1)pid_output_yaw = pid_max_yaw * -1;
461  pid_last_yaw_d_error = pid_error_temp;
465void set_gyro_registers(){
466  //Setup the MPU-6050
467  Wire.beginTransmission(gyro_address);                                      //Start communication with the address found during search.
468  Wire.write(0x6B); // PWR_MGMT_1                                                    //We want to write to the PWR_MGMT_1 register (6B hex)
469  Wire.write(0x00);                                                          //Set the register bits as 00000000 to activate the gyro
470  Wire.endTransmission();                                                    //End the transmission with the gyro.
472  Wire.beginTransmission(gyro_address);                                      //Start communication with the address found during search.
473  Wire.write(0x1B); // GYRO_CONFIG                                                      //We want to write to the GYRO_CONFIG register (1B hex)
474  Wire.write(0x08);                                                          //Set the register bits as 00001000 (500dps full scale)
475  Wire.endTransmission();                                                    //End the transmission with the gyro
477  Wire.beginTransmission(gyro_address);                                      //Start communication with the address found during search.
478  Wire.write(0x1C); // ACCEL_CONFIG                                                      //We want to write to the ACCEL_CONFIG register (1A hex)
479  Wire.write(0x10);                                                          //Set the register bits as 00010000 (+/- 8g full scale range)
480  Wire.endTransmission();                                                    //End the transmission with the gyro
482  //Let's perform a random register check to see if the values are written correct
483  Wire.beginTransmission(gyro_address);                                      //Start communication with the address found during search
484  Wire.write(0x1B);                                                          //Start reading @ register 0x1B
485  Wire.endTransmission();                                                    //End the transmission
486  Wire.requestFrom(gyro_address, 1);                                         //Request 1 bytes from the gyro
487  while(Wire.available() < 1);                                               //Wait until the 6 bytes are received
488  if(Wire.read() != 0x08){                                                   //Check if the value is 0x08
489    digitalWrite(12,HIGH);                                                   //Turn on the warning led
490    while(1)delay(10);                                                       //Stay in this loop for ever
491  }
493  Wire.beginTransmission(gyro_address);                                      //Start communication with the address found during search
494  Wire.write(0x1A); // CONFIG                                                      //We want to write to the CONFIG register (1A hex)
495  Wire.write(0x03);                                                          //Set the register bits as 00000011 (Set Digital Low Pass Filter to ~43Hz)
496  Wire.endTransmission();                                                    //End the transmission with the gyro